Diagnostic Associates Ltd

Diagnostic Associates Ltd invests heavily in new and innovative products, so that our customers are able to work more effectively and efficiently, at a price that justifies their investment in the tools and services they are purchasing.

EOBD Scan Tool Application

Diagnostic Associates Ltd

The DA-ST512 EOBD Scan Tool Application supports the following diagnostic protocols and EOBD services: 

Please note that you must already have purchased or need to purchase separately a DA-ST512 device, in order to install and run this application.


CAN (ISO 15765)

SCP (SAE J1850)         (NOTE: Supports the Ford PWM variant only not GM VPW)

5-Baud Wakeup (ISO 9141)

Key Word 2000 (ISO 14230)



1 - Readiness Checks

1 - Powertrain Data

2 - Freeze Frame Data

3 - Read Emission DTCs

4 - Clear Emission DTCs

5 - Oxygen Sensor Tests

6 - On Board Monitoring

7 - Read Current DTCs

8 - On Board Control

9 - Vehicle Information

A - Read Permanent DTCs



This application covers Petrol vehicles from 2001 onwards and Diesel vehicles from 2004 onwards.


Please note: DA-ST512 is not included
